Monday, January 15, 2018

Please Join Me In Reading Through the Bible This Year---The Word of God Is Living and Active

DO YOU HAVE YEARNINGS  in your life that no amount of worldly success, popularity, influence, money, therapy, fame, family and even religiosity can satisfy?  If so, then join the human race because God has created us that way.  He made us with yearning holes in our hearts that only He----and nothing else---can ultimately fill and satisfy.  It's through a personal relationship with his son,  Jesus Christ. Salvation,  peace and joy can only come from Him and his Word no matter how hard we try and try to stuff our holes with any and everything.

The story of the Fall of Man, Sin, Salvation and ultimate Redemption is stunning, convicting and encouraging to every heart willing to see,  listen and be transformed slowly over time.

I want to invite you to join  Mike, me and thousands of others this year in reading through the Bible----from Genesis to Revelation--- at OneYearBibleBlog, linked at the top of my sidebar to the right.  Every day there's a reading from the Old and New Testaments,  Psalms and Proverbs.  It's all in context, often with brilliant commentary for further thought.  There's always food for thought, prayer and wisdom for life.

Even if you don't  have time to read extensively on a particular day,  you can read Mike's commentary and find something to mull over in your heart and mind.  Every year that I do this,  I see a little  more and feel more and more gratitude for the redeeming and finished work of Christ on the Cross, as he took our sin to the Cross and got what we all deserve so we can be saved from the ultimate separation after the Second Coming.

The best part is seeing how God uses rebellious, imperfect people like you and me in the world to accomplish his purposes.  That's the best news and doesn't require us to wait to approach him until we're perfect, cause we never will be.  I hope you'll consider joining many of us in this wonderful journey this year.  You won't be disappointed.

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