NO SOONER THAN RETURNING FROM CLARK, WY MONDAY EVENING, I found my computer's hard drive crashing as it got slower and slower.
By early Thursday it was non-existent.
I began assessing my few sad options with no connectivity: either go to Idaho Falls and buy a new computer with the dreaded new Windows operating system; or find a competent geek here in Jackson to mine my hard drive data and put it on a sparkling new one. I chose the latter, finding a terrific, adorable guy from Slovakia named Yuri (pronounced your-eye) with a business called Computer Clinic that fixed everything in less than 24 hours.
Now I'm happy to be back, thanks to my new friend and computer-snowboard geek---Yuri.
OK, so the pic above is one I took at the car wash after picking up my newly remade computer this afternoon. It tells a great story of indigenous Jackson Hole, but the story will have to wait till in the morning when I'm fresh and ready to write again.
Meanwhile, have a nice evening; hope see you soon!
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