Friday, July 19, 2013

Disgraceful Obama Administration Perpetuates Racism


I CONTINUE TO BE HORRIFIED at how Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder keep inappropriately interjecting themselves in the Martin/Zimmerman case (closed) only making things  worse. They just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole.

What an insult to state and local law enforcement agencies and  courts who found there were no racist motives whatsoever involved in this case.  Yet these federal elected and appointed officials keep trying to hijack the narrative, beat a dead horse and make it about something it's not.  Yes, there are many injustices in the mandatory sentencing procedures that incarcerate more blacks for longer than whites....and other things.... and that needs to be changed.

Yet, in this case, justice was served.

Bryan Preston writes about the Obama speech today at PJMedia:

Throughout his remarks, Obama went to his “on the one hand, on the other hand” style in which he appears to be a moderate, but ultimately what he did was fail to lead. The tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin is becoming a cause, or an excuse, for some to commit violence against their fellow Americans.

Rioters have committed numerous acts of violence, including attacking a Hispanic man in Baltimore and assaulting a white grandmother in Houston. This is unacceptable. Unrest has been encouraged by the New Black Panthers, by Sharpton and the refrain “No justice, no peace.”

Obama’s answer to violence? More talk: “If I see any violence, then I will remind folks that that dishonors what happened to Trayvon Martin and his family.” There has already been violence. Has he not seen it?

It may not have occurred to the president, but people who have already resorted to violence are not likely to listen to anyone remind them of anything. How about warning them that the criminal justice system stands ready to deal with anyone who breaks the law ahead of any violence? Obama did not issue such a warning.
That, and his entire tone, constitute a glaring failure of leadership. Barack Obama had a moment when he could have stood above all the factions in the black community, indeed all the factions arguing over the verdict in that trial. He could have spoken to and for more than just one American community. He chose instead to insert himself and race into the story from the world’s largest bully pulpit, while refusing to use that bully pulpit to stand up forcefully for the rule of law.

No fair-minded person will reject the fact that blacks have faced extraordinary mistreatment and racism through American history, from slavery to Jim Crow to backward attitudes that continue to persist. But race played no role in this specific case, according to the prosecution’s case, according to the jury that reached the verdict, and according to Trayvon Martin’s own mother. The president owes the American people a basic, factual accounting, not a third autobiography. By insisting on injecting himself and race into the case, Obama risks inflaming passions when he could have quieted them.

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