Friday, June 7, 2013

Tea Party's Becky Gerritson Gives Epic IRS Testimony Before Congress---A Must See

MONDAY UPDATE---DISBAND THE IRS WILLIAM KRISTOL--BORN FREE: One night last week Jay Leno remarked in his monologue, “President Obama says he’s renewing his efforts to close Guantánamo Bay. Guantánamo Bay? How about closing the IRS? Why don’t we do that?” Thunderous applause. Leno continued, “How about shipping the IRS to Guantánamo Bay?” Thunderous applause again. If Republicans proceed with the nerve of Blonde and the wit of Leno, they’ll get the thunderous applause they deserve....

THIS IS A MUST SEE, MUST HEAR, MUST TAKE TO HEART SPEECH. She fears the America we grew up in is slipping away..... I do too.

Big Nanny Government has become our master, rather than our servant, and has gotten far, far out of the zone of enumerated powers of our prized and precious Constitution.

And the further truth is, we citizens have let this happen over the past 40 years.  We've been too occupied with ourselves and own interests, thinking government would keep running as it should.  We can't go on as a free country unless we begin and continue to take a stand and back it up with actions the way this articulate and brave woman has done before the ways and means committee this week.

I say amen to everything she says.

1 comment:

  1. She did a great job and she is correct in her opinions.
