Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday, Interview With Rosaria Butterfield

FOR THE PAST FEW SUNDAYS I've posted excerpts from Secret Thoughts of An Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield, formerly a radical lesbian English professor at Syracuse University. Her journey to now being the wife of a reformed Presbyterian minister (a man) is fascinating and extremely heart wrenching.

Here she is interviewed, talking about her unlikely conversion. It's over an hour long, but well worth the time to watch. By the way,  I think all conversions are unlikely and amazing. When people say and think that they can't change---they are what they are, especially with regard to their sexual preference---I believe they are mostly correct.  It is only with a supernatural relationship to Jesus Christ with the sanctifying, guiding power of the Holy Spirit that this kind of radical change can occur. 

Our God is a God of radical transformation and works in each life entirely uniquely. Praise God for his unlikely work in our lives!


  1. Lessons for me:

    1) the wisdom and commitment of Ken and Floy(sic), who:
    befriended her,
    never shared a testimony which was recognizable to her as sales pitch,
    understood that she would not go to church ~ thus brought church to her.

    2) her message, about faith, hits home
    John 7:17's message: ~ Those who endeavor to do God's will ... will know God's will ~

    "I was a research professor. I was paid to know and then do. I did not want to do and then know."

    3) She gave up a lot: girlfriend, lifestyle, some of her network of friends. But, she says (paraphrasing): "What I really gave up was pride in my own self sufficiency."

    She is a smart person who was willing to follow the evidence.

    I am learning that many smart persons are unwilling to follow the evidence. They tell themselves they are all about truth, yet they will not follow truth in an uncomfortable direction. They abruptly stop: beyond this point there be dragons.

    I completely understand. I just had not, before, quite realized that there were so many who would not follow the evidence all the way to it's end point.

  2. Wonderful comment, Greg, as usual. So right you are. Far too many have pride in theiir smarts and self-sufficiency....all the way to the end.

    Thank you.
