Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Guilty As Charged: Escaped From the Gray and Rain and Cold

THE LAPPING WAVES OF THE OCEAN, THE SMELL OF SALT AIR, THE LIGHT OF THE SUN. What's not to like after days---weeks---of dreary rain and gray and intermittent chilly weather?

Have I ever spoken here about how little I think of Colin Powell?  And what a disgrace he is as a faux member of the GOP?  He's really a liberal Dem and needs to cross-over and never look back.   Call it a politics-change-operation. He will never be missed.  What a racist ,and  bitter-depressed man he is, whining on Fox about how white people have used the word 'jive' and hurt blacks feelings.  They evidently now own that word for their exclusive use.   How pathetic that he's drunk the  racism coolaid.  Powell, once a giant of a man gets smaller by the hour.


  1. where are you, debbie? are you near by sister?
    I am going there in March but now i am holed
    up in the empire state. Never like Powell myself,
    and thought he was a cowardly member of the
    Bush administration. You and I will disagree on
    this but I also thought his wife's position on
    abstaining was naive.

  2. 2E, yes not far from her....in and around Longboat and Siesta Keys. I am not a beach person but make rare exceptions in winter for a little while. Weather windy, sunny and cool. Very nice being here where I also have lots of friends....miss you!

  3. mred, know the weather up there is dreary...it's lovely here. Still I'm a mountain kinda girl after all is said and done.
