Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The White House: Michele's State Lunch For Kids---What's Wrong With This Picture?


ON THE SURFACE, I KINDA LIKED MICHELE'S IDEA of serving kids healthy food at a White House state lunch to teach them how to eat better and counter the growing obesity problems in their families and America. No matter how much we're exercising, it appears we keep getting fatter, sicker and more diabetic and arthritic as a nation.

So the FLOTUS's heart is in the right place. Trouble is, she's bought THE BIG LIE of what healthy eating is supposed to be, propogated by the federal government no less and most health providers in the USA. What is that lie, you ask?

It's the lie about eating more 'healthy' whole grains, especially WHEAT, WHEAT and more wheat (now genetically engineered and hidden in EVERYTHING) and cutting out most fats and animal proteins. We've become a grain-fed obese, sick nation that can't get through the day without mainlining huge hits of sugar and massive caffeine to counter the ill, de-energizing effects of unhealthy grains.

Again this big lie is promulgated by Nanny government, Big PHARMA and the grain and wheat lobbies all the way to the big bank. It's a myth that's killing us, debilitating our children, causing soaring healthcare costs and chronic dependency on uppers, drugs and endless pain mediations---but thank God for Obamacare---right? Wrong.

More on that later. Here's the menu, according to Beltway Confidential, at the kids luncheon Monday:

Michelle Obama served a 'healthy meal' to kids today, attending the official “Kids’ State Dinner.” The event was held at the White House to promote the First Lady’s “Lets Move” anti-obesity initiative.

Here is the menu, which was assembled with winning recipes submitted by children for the contest. (via the pool report)

The menu: Kale Chips from the New York winner were placed on each table ahead of the appetizer, which was Quinoa Black Bean and Corn Salad from the Arizona winner. The entree was “Yummy Cabbage Sloppy Joes” (with ketchup) from the Kansas winner, accompanied by Baked Zucchini Fries from the North Carolina winner. Dessert was two recipes: A Strawberryana Smoothie from the Hawaii winner; and a “Summer Fruit Garland” from the South Dakota winner, which was chunks of fruit on a wooden skewer.

In essence, Michele has just promoted the very thing she is trying to prevent.

While I like the kale chips and the baked zucchini 'fries,' I think the rest of the meal is way too heavy in fattening, starchy grains: quinoa black beans, corn salad and lots and lots of wheat around the cabbage entre.

This appears to be a vegetarian meal heavy on grains, though I couldn't find the recipe for the so called 'yummy' cabbage sloppy joes. I hope there was some meat in them. But if not, these kids left the lunch at least a pound heavier with far too much starchy grains and beans and terribly fattening fruits.

Most of them also probably also left feeling very lethargic, unfocused and wanting wanting a nap.

I have to run but will be back to write more on the myths of healthy eating. Meanwhile, consider getting, reading and implementing William Davis MD's new book Wheat Belly featured on my sidebar. I'll also be thinking about what I'd change about this kids lunch at the White House to make it truly more healthy, slimming and energizing.


  1. Thank you! You read my mind on this one - that really was not a healthy, whole food lunch.

    It is discouraging to read that wheat has been engineered to contain higher levels of gluten/protein and the ability to raise blood sugar more than sucrose and to increase appetite.

    In the 1980's I participated in a wellness program whose director put bread on the list of foods not to eat. At the time I didn't understand why, but it now seems he was ahead of his time regarding nutrition.

  2. Very interesting Fraydna! Sounds like he was indeed ahead of his time.

    Have for many years paid more and more attention to how I feel several hours after a meal, or the next day as to what I should eat more or less of. Grains and wheat have give me more trouble and migraines than anything else except for genentically engineered sodiums bonded to nitrates etc.

    Thanks for your observations as always.

  3. If one is allergic to the whole grains, then one should stay away from them. I am not. I feel good after eating them. I am not fat. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and beef, turkey, ham and fish.

  4. Sounds like you're fortunate, Bob. Many others are allergic to grains, especially wheat and don't know it. I am and know it. Wheat in all its many forms gives me migraines which especially hard since it takes a day out of the life each time I have one.

    Also, almost all of today's wheat---like corn---is genetically engineered. It's not our father Abraham's same wheat anymore.
