Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meet The Ryans---Let the Fiscal Cliff Games Begin!

HAILING FROM JANESVILLE, WI, here is the Paul and Janna Ryan family who is to accompany Mitt and Ann Romney in the GOP bid to take the White House from the Obamas in the next three months.

As far as I'm concerned, Rep.Paul Ryan is a brilliant choice for VP. This election IS about the economy Stupid. I'm with Roger L. Simon who says---And, We're Not Stupid! This from Simon @ Pajamas this morning:

Mitt Romney did something that a lot of supposed wise men said he wouldn’t — pick a vice presidential candidate who is more charismatic than he. In choosing Paul Ryan, Romney took the risk he would be outshone, but he did America a favor. He selected the brightest young politician we have.

He also underscored his best line of the campaign so far, “It’s the economy – and we’re not stupid!” No one in Congress has thought more creatively or acted with more determination to solve the great economic problems we face than Ryan. He has virtually stood alone among higher elected officials in the battle for serious entitlement reform, being criticized by none other than Newt Gingrich for recommending remedies that were, if anything, too mild for the monumental fiscal crisis confronting us. But at least Ryan has tried to do something about it. Few others have had the courage to attempt it.

Through nominating Ryan, Romney has signaled that his campaign is going to be about the economy, the economy, and, yes, you guessed it, the economy (with healthcare thrown in as an aspect of the economy). It is not going to be about immigration, marriage, the legalization of marijuana, whether candidates cause cancer, who has a dog on his car, or even who was born where. It’s going to be about the one thing America is obsessed with, the one thing that if we don’t correct nothing else is possible…. Okay, I won’t say it again, but you certainly know.

Mitt did Americans a huge favor in selecting personable, outdoorsy, fit, ready-for-action and eminently qualified Paul Ryan. Let the Fiscal Cliff Games begin!

Jim Rogers issues dire warning for after the election.

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