Monday, December 26, 2011

Winding Down

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ARE ALREADY  OUTSIDE IN BOXES READY to go into storage.  Plates and silverware are sparkly clean, stored and a few gifts have been put  into their rightful places. As time goes on, everything about the holidays is pared down yet it never seems to diminish Christmas one bit.  I'm not a big stuff person....and start feeling claustrophibic with too many decorations, presents and too much clutter.

I'm not one to drag the holidays on either. If anything I'd rather decorate for Thanksgiving, add a few more lights and creches for Christmas, then take everything down right after Christmas like I did today.

I know there are 12 Days of Christmas and I like that. But I'd rather go through these other days in more solemn, reflective ways. Have a stack of books I've dived into and will be reading non-stop over next few days.

I love the spareness and deep quiet of the next few days and weeks. And relish these long winter nights' sleeps for recharging our mental, physical and emotional batteries for the many challenges ahead.


  1. Merry (belated) X-mas! Your reading and resting plans sound fabulous...that's what I want to be doing right now, too.

  2. Well do it, my dear, before you'll be going non-stop!

    All the best for 2012!
