Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sunday, Tim Keller: Justification By Faith Alone And How Concern For the Poor Inevitably Follows

Generous Justice from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE SAVED? Tim Keller has some grace-filled answers.


  1. By coincidence, I recently picked up "Generous Justice", and am 40 or so pages into it.

    I am moved by the observation that Jesus did not say: Straighten up and then I will help you; justify yourself through your acts, and then I will help you; by the observation that, if Jesus had said such a thing, NO ONE IN THE WORLD would have received help.

    Separately: sometimes, I think the question is not a question of whether or not to help, but rather is a question of what really and truly constitutes help (vs. what looks, superficially, like help ... yet maybe is not the most effective method of making help available).

    I am watching, quietly, b/c of my own ignorance re Christianity and re modern churches. And I haven't said anything, until here, b/c it is difficult to say anything about this w/o sounding like a possible jerk. But, this is one of many areas in which I am watching and am absorbing.

    I will add this: if it is truly difficult to ascertain what is truly loving and helpful ... then that difficulty is consistent with many areas of Christian life which are difficult gray-area. The difficulty is part of what makes it all great. If things were easier, the entire Christian experience would be devalued; would be worth less than it currently is worth; would not be worth giving one's entire life.

  2. Greg, today my pastor talked on the biblical meaning of grace, saying it was God's generous unmerited favor even while we are still sinners. I like the word unmerited because it means there's nothing we can do or already did to deserve this favor.

    More tomorrow...fading....
