Thursday, September 8, 2011

Transitioning Back to Middle America


TIME TO SAY SOMETHING, ANYTHING to get the first olive outta the jar after an extended vacation from my computer. It's been sorely needed. I'm not as addicted as I thought.

Still, for the sake of discipline and putting a modicum of structure back in my life, I have a couple of things to write down, not necessarily in order of importance, and not necessarily of any importance at all:

*****Just drove cross country in two, rather than my usual three days---900 miles Day 1, 800 miles Day 2. When I got home, I felt wonderful. After many years doing this, there's no doubt that a partial fast---meaning what I don't eat as well as what I eat and when----makes a world of difference in focus, energy and stamina on something this long. It's like doing the Iditerod. Cool weather helps, as does traveling West to East. But again, diet is everything in this kind of marathon drive.

*****I-70 through St. Louis is an utter disgrace and desperately needs to be fixed and redesigned. How an major U.S. east-west Interstate of 4-8 lanes of traffic coming into the city from both directions can peter down to a virtual crawl on one curvy, loopy narrow lane on the west side of the Mississippi (near The Arch) is beyond my wildest comprehension. In addition, the pavement of that same interstate over the Mississippi River is so in need of repair that I wonder how the whole system hasn't collapsed from neglect.

Some infrastructure projects are make work, others, like this one, need this city's and state's utmost attention. Where's all that stimulus money and why hasn't it been used on I-70 in St. Louis?

*****Last night's GOP debate was better than I could ever expected. While Romney and Perry stole the show---especially the incendiary Texas guy who loves to push the left's hot buttons---as the front-runners, nearly all the candidates added a phrase here, a point there that clarified the overall conversation. I like to hear lively phrases like ponzi scheme, family values, Obama's gotta go!, not falling for the MSM's ploy for in-fighting etc, etc, etc. Of course, most of the peripheral candidate will have to go soon, but I'm glad they were all these last night. The last guys standing can only get better as time goes on.

*****While I've been away someone has taken over my assigned parking space in the condo complex where I live. Someone who obviously doesn't live here. Worst of all, they've gone out of town cause I'm told the car hasn't moved for weeks.

I need a good anger management coach.....then again maybe just a deep ruby red tube of lipstick so I can squiggle (?) on the windshield, This is not a public parking space!


  1. Welcome back.

    About the debate:
     Before last night's GOP debate ...
    With Perry we've got a fighter.
    Thank God (and Texas).

    Re: Your parking space.
     A Parking Space to Die For
    One of my earliest posts, and one of the most spontaneous; while still fuming about the situation, I was forming the post in my mind while doing laundry and knocked it out shortly after that was done.

  2. Welcome back! We arranged unseasonable good weather to ease the transition.

    I also found that reducing my food intake helped cope with jet lag, long legs, and even getting a good sleep.

    If your Nosy Neighbors™ don't know who owns the car, you might have the association check with the cops to make certain it is not stolen or abandoned. A friend had something like that happen once here she lived.


  3. Thank you both. Great to be back where I belong.

    The car belongs to a relative of someone living in the complex. Rather than going to a lot of trouble and red tape or having it towed, I'm going to put a note on the windshield in a plastic bag and say where they can park and next time it's there, I'll have it towed.

    Hopefully this is the last time this will happen.
