Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Rise of Adoph Hitler--- Seen in These Quaint, Color Images of Evil Personified

IN CASE YOU MISSED THESE CIGARETTE CARD PHOTOS OF ADOLPH HITLER as he rose to power as Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, think they're well worth a look and link. Taken from 1932-1935 these and and many more go up for auction in London next Tuesday. Fierce bidding is expected as the auction commences. And where she stops nobody knows!
BELOW, they must be reading Krugman again....
While we're at it, here's Hitler's first big speech. If this and the introduction don't give you cold chills as to how history can repeat itself, then nothing will:


  1. Something a little quaint to see historical figures as ordinary people, at least as long as you can put aside the whole global domination and genocide things. Those do tend to spoil the effect a bit.

  2. Yes, those do tend to spoil those Kodachrome moments....
