Thursday, September 22, 2011

Question for The United States

AS THE US DELEGATION AT THE UN WALKS OUT TODAY ON Iran's A-DINNER-JACKET'S SPEECH---which clearly seeks to blame every world problem on the United States and a handful of other nations and its allies and justify one day nuking modern civilization as we know it back into the dark ages, why, why, why do we continue to let him and his ilk back into this country?

If a dinner jacket came to your house, let's say, for dinner or cocktail supper and endlessly insulted you and your home, would you continue to invite him back? I guess I'm a meanie, but I sure wouldn't. In fact if he showed up again, I'd have a committee of toughies escort him to the door.

So why do we play nice with a jackal who makes no bones about wanting to destroy our country and some of our greatest allies?

Perhaps too, it's time to move the UN to another more multi-cultural country.

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