Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, The Highest Degree of Knowledge

Joshua Tree Under the Milky Way from Henry Jun Wah Lee

HEART-KNOWLEDGE, we must always remember, is the one thing needful. It is something which schools and universities cannot confer. It is the gift of God. To find out the plague of our own hearts and hate sin–to become familiar with the throne of grace and the fountain of Christ’s blood–to sit daily at the feet of Jesus, and humbly learn of Him–this is the highest degree of knowledge to which mortal man can attain. Let any one thank God who knows anything of these things. One may be ignorant of Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and mathematics, but they shall be saved.
~ J.C. Ryle


  1. This is beautiful. I've stayed up late and arisen early to view various meteor showers but this timelapse photography video is a much more convenient way to see this wonder of God's creation. It also has the advantage of the clear sky (seldom the situation here in Northern Virginia, in my experience), and not shivering in the cold during winter and fighting off mosquitos in the summer. Anyway, thanks for posting.

  2. Glad you liked it Ron and thanks for your comment. I too thought it exceptional.
