Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Front Porch Lecture At the Murie Center in Moose

THERE ARE SO MANY INTERESTING THINGS TO DO during summers in Jackson Hole that it exhausts me even to contemplate them all. Unfortunately I usually wear myself out doing outdoorsy things like hiking and fly fishing such that I'm too tired do many other, more sedentary offerings. Today I made an exception and went with a good friend and fellow-mediator to the Murie Center in Moose to hear a lecture on environmental conflict resolution. It was a lovely afternoon gathering in the front yard of the late Mardy and Olaus Murie home. Brought back many memories from my early days in Jackson Hole when I would occasionally dine with the old timers, Shirley and Frank Craighead and Mardy Murie out on Antelope Flats near Moose. That was the day of real old Wyoming. Today I went back to a vestige of those earlier times. Great fun and almost no mosquitoes!


  1. Glad to read you are still involved with conflict
    resolution. Seems there are lots of opportunity to use
    these skills these days, not least in D. C.
    Miss you!

  2. Oh so it's you 2E.....yes, there's lots of need and it can cost so much less! Miss you 2 and am going to link soon!
