Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rushing Fast To Fiscal Oblivion


A HALLMARK OF Democratic lawmakers during the Obama presidency has been to rush like crazy---with a sense of impending disaster---to get things settled, cast in concrete before any of us taxpayers have a clue what's going on. So it is with the 2012 budget, yet to be passed. While President Obama chides Congress to get the job done and stop acting like children, there are plenty of recalcitrant senators and representatives on both sides of the aisle holding out on particular issues. Many will gladly close down government for their pet causes. A good example of this is the threatened filibuster of the budget if Planned Parenthood is not funded, as if it's a core issue facing Americans today. As if it's an enumerated power of the federal government in the first place.

Rep. Paul Ryan is front-and-center taking a courageous lead--- the real hero---in the fiscal responsibility department and conservatives can only hope and pray he and Boehner can hold out and prevail over the insanity now griping the federal process with the need to rush, rush, rush so we can find out what's in it at some later date. In doing this, none of the deeper fiscal issues are being addressed. Budgetary gridlock threatening to close down much of the federal government is hardly a bad thing. Much good can come from it, if there's no other way.

No matter what the threats, intimidation or sense of dire emergency, Republicans need to hang tough and do major budget cutting for next year and far beyond. They must continue talking cuts in the trillions rather than in paltry billions. If we don't, our nations' fiscal condition will deteriorate beyond the point of no return. America will truly be on the road to ruin. There are no quick fixes here. No matter what the president says, this budget needs to be done right, no matter how long it takes.

NOW is the time, no matter how much the president, Reid and Pelosi want to sweep it under the rug for another time.

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