Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Donald Trumps


OK, SO WE ALL KNOW IT'S UNLIKELY HE'LL EVER BE PRESIDENT. Among many other things, he's a political opportunist/charlatan with an ego the size of Texas, yet with true and strong leadership tendencies---positive and negative---that make us want to overlook his myriad shortcomings and as yet undisclosed financial statements.

Nevertheless, Trump is now fulfilling a major purpose---read that vacuum--- in our country, and doing it with aplomb: The Donald has commandeered the the national conversation and set the tone in a way I haven't seen in a very long time. Whatever else you say about this brazen egomaniac, Trump is making things much more interesting and fun around here right now. I like it and him, such as he is, in spite of myself.

Having said that, I deeply disagree with him on the cause of sky-high oil prices. He blames OPEC and wants to rough those crazy shieks up for it.

I believe oil and all commodites prices have soared because of the scandalous plunge of the dollar causing investors to flee into hard assets (as well as the stock market and currency markets) thus pushing up the cost of oil and gas, as well as silver, gold, copper and food prices.

You can bet that before the next presidential election, Obama---with the help of his feckless Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner---will temporarily talk up King Dollar (it's already happening)---thus causing a temporary, TEMPORARY---downward correction in gasoline, silver, gold and food so that the American people are lulled into thinking everything is okay and heading in the right direction so Obama gets re-elected. Then we can take it to the bank that prices will rise again after 2012 as the dollars continues its fall into further disgrace and commodity prices blast off again.

But enough about that. This is one of Donald Trump's greatest moments. Let's all give him a round of applause! He's right, if this is truly Obama's real birth certificate, then why in heaven's name didn't Obama release it a long, long, long time ago? It's a fair question that also needs an answer.

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