Monday, March 21, 2011

Whatever Happened To The Nuclear Meltdown Monster?

TUESDAY UPDATE JUST WHEN WE WERE ALL READY TO HEAD FOR THE HILLS AND CAVES dragging mega doses of Potassium Iodide tablets for the last hurrah before nuclear meltdown and Armageddon, a funny thing happened: Nothing much.

Yes, there had been radiation leakage into the environment. Bad steam rising. There have been some evacuations and people in Tokyo have holed up inside on and off for a week. But hey, Nashville's mayor went there for spring vacation, even after he knew of the earthquake!

For all the chatter online and off, the hysteria came to mostly naught. Sure there'll be some long term problems with the Fukushima reactors and surrounding environs.And sure, something bad could still happen. I surely wouldn't eat the spinach from the gardens around Fukushima. But no one has died I know of, and so far, the repurcussions have been much less than predicted. Much will be learned and used to improve nuclear designs and locations in the future.

Even some of the smartest guys on the Web (I'm not naming names or linking links) overblew this thing out of proportion, ending up scaring themselves to death along with of their readers. Probably because their generation is still young and has lived its entire life in great prosperity with little adversity and too many sci-fi horror films. So the threat of a nuclear disaster, plays into their worst fears and projections. Nothing ever turns out to be as bad or as good as it's predicted to be. At least so far.

Anyway, saw this little piece in The Telegraph and thought it worth a look:

Amazing, isn’t it, what a little light military intervention can do to a nuclear crisis?

One minute, the world is facing nuclear meltdown armageddon to rank with – ooh, Three Mile Island at the very least, and quite possibly Chernobyl. A few (shockingly expensive) missile strikes over Benghazi and Tripoli later, though, and the Japanese nuclear crisis has all but vanished from the face of the earth.

Maybe we should start small wars more often. Or maybe – even better – the MSM could learn to start reporting on nuclear incidents like journalists instead of activists from Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth.

Of course the dwindling Japanese nuclear crisis---in the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake and gargantuan tsunami---isn't just because allied forces bombed Libya
and diverted our attention to the other side of the globe.

No. It became a shrinking story when the MSM----try as it might---just couldn't get those reactors to act like the ones at Three Mile Island or Chernobyl. That's because the core material is different so the Fukushima reactors didn't misbehave as hoped by many in the nervous media. In fact, in light of it all, they perfomed much better than might have been expected.

Be careful what you read and believe, even when it's by very smart, but stressed out guys. Meanwhile, has anyone seen Japan's overdue nuclear disaster?

Wake me when the meltdown starts.

Needless to say, the fact that there's been no massive nuclear meltdown does in no way diminish our need to open our hearts, pocketbooks and continuing prayers without ceasing for the Japanese people.

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