Monday, February 28, 2011

Mr. Darcy Wins Oscar Playing King George VI

PERHAPS THE BEST NEWS is that no one actually has to endure watching the Oscars anymore to see the high and low points of this increasingly chaotic, structureless affair.

Actually, after getting home at 9 last night, I ended up watching parts of the last hour when motioned into next-door-neighbor Martha's condo to watch the end of the spectacle. Though dreadfully sleepy, I ran home, threw on some sweats, then went back to ask, Any good gowns?

Martha was only moderately enthused saying Reese and Helen (Mirran) looked pretty good and Cate looked interesting but nothing overwhelming to write home about. We chatted for a few minutes before I fell sound asleep sitting up on her sofa. I managed to wake up when Mr. Darcy took best actor for his dazzling performance as King George VI before my eyes glazed over again and I fled home for a good night's sleep.

Today I looked through the fashion field at Go Fug Yourself and The Daily beast picking out a very few from the mostly uninspiring I'd like to comment on.
Halle is a gorgeous-looking woman who looks her best with short hair. Here she's spectacular in a gown made to order for the glamor of the red carpet. What's not to like about glitter, chiffon, silk in a form fitting gown that shows off all one's best assets? But you can see why she'd have to either remove the train or change into some other dress for the after-parties. Otherwise, the dress would be stepped and stomped on, giving new meaning to the words ripped to shreds. With all her personal and family problems, who would ever want to trade places with such skin-deep glamour? Not I, I assure you.

Gold on both Gwyneth and Taylor makes for a great photo-op though I much prefer Gwyneth's slinky number of the two. I confess, Taylor Swift doesn't do much for me. Think there's a harshness--or should I say un-softness--stridency and almost a mean look about her that I've never found attractive. Also think her dress should be a few inches longer for better proportions. Cameron also wore a dress that was way, way to short for my taste. It may be the style, but it leaves me cold.

Jennifer looks stunning in this basic, simple red gown which could actually pass for a swimsuit cover. Nevertheless, whether she paid $65 or $6,500---and I hope it was the former---this look works and is probably the sexiest, most glamorous Oscar dress there, for my taste. Best of all, there's nothing dragging behind or around her that would keep her from wearing it all night to other parties later. In the wee hours of the morning, she should have still been one of the best looking broads in Hollywood. Great unfussy look on a beautiful, fit woman who can make almost anything look good at this point.

With that, I'll stop short of any further criticism of this dreadful awards circus.


  1. Oh, I loved Halle's of my favorites of the evening, for sure. And I agree, the Oscars aren't much fun to watch...

  2. Enjoyed your comments about the Red Carpet gowns. I agree: the "tank" evening gown (by Ralph Lauren, I think) was stunning for its simplicity. I actually own an evening top that is a tank and I love it! All you have to do is throw on some glam earrings and your all set.

    D and I both think Taylor Swift is way overrated. I am so sick of her weird eyes and her endless songs that all sound the same. David saw a photo of Taylor with really straight hair and bangs and I think she has a song out now that is not that dreadful monotone. Needless to say, we do not have any TS music blaring out in the house!

    I agree with your take on the other dresses as well. I hate trains. They have to be a real nuisance to wear.
