No matter how much outrage is generated, the facts tell a true story of black genocide from abortion on demand, often made easy by taxpayer subsidies. The good news is awareness IS being raised and black leaders/ ministers are stepping up to the plate and speaking out on behalf of their people. They need to do a lot more, like encouraging abstinence before marriage and responsibly having children within that framework. They've made a good start.
If this is racism, give me more of it.
Life Always, the Texas-based anti-abortion group that sponsored the billboard ad, said it hoped to raise public awareness of Planned Parenthood's "targeting of minority neighborhoods."
Read more.
Here's a video on Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Isn't it time we the taxpayers say NO! to any more government funding---our taxpayer monies---of Planned Parenthood? If black and minority women are going to persist in having abortions, they should have to pay for it themselves.
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