Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Buy Silver With Feathers

THE CUTEST DRESS OF 2010. WITHOUT DOUBT. I have more to say here soon. Just not tonight. I'm fading and will be back early in the morning to tell you how much I want to make a fool of myself wearing this dress....Truth is, not just any woman can carry this one off. It takes a unique attitude.I'm fading and will be back early in the morning to tell you how much I want to make a fool of myself wearing this dress....Of course at my age, I would either be arrested or abducted to a 12-step program for being out of touch with reality. Still, I know a great look when I see one, even if it's not going to be on me.

Kelly Brook pulls it off with perfect hair and figure, lithe, sexy shoes---thank heavens she shunned that awful bondage foot fashion look which ruins even the best look from the ankles up---and a smiling assurance that will take her anywhere she wants to go. The only thing I might add---with emphasis on the might---is a little silver/platinum/diamond understated earring that could add a little more movement though it should not take away from the focus on the dress.

Meanwhile, I love it and will dream of silver feathers shimmering in the breeze all night long.

The Source


  1. Love this dress. It will stick in my mind for a while. You can tell she feels good about her look. The resultant shot of extra confidence makes her extra attractive.

    The strappy shoes go with the strappy back on the dress. A man wants to solve the puzzle of undoing that stuff. A woman will never be forced to exit this dress unassisted.

  2. I always love your fashion reviews and almost missed this one. That would have been a pity.
