Friday, July 30, 2010

Will Washington and Mr. Obama's Failures Lead to Another American Revolution?



The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.

People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"

Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.

Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.

Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.

Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.

He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.

He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.

The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."

His bullying and offenses against the economy and job creation are so outrageous that CEOs in the Business Roundtable finally mustered the courage to call him "anti-business." Veteran Democrat Sen. Max Baucus blurted out that Obama is engineering the biggest government-forced "redistribution of income" in history.

Fear and uncertainty stalk the land. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says America's financial future is "unusually uncertain."

A Wall Street "fear gauge" based on predicted market volatility is flashing long-term panic. New data on the federal budget confirm that record-setting deficits in the $1.4 trillion range are now endemic.

Obama is building an imperium of public debt and crushing taxes, contrary to George Washington's wise farewell admonition: "cherish public credit ... use it as sparingly as possible ... avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not ... inconvenient and unpleasant ... ."

Opinion polls suggest that in the November mid-term elections, voters will replace the present Democratic majority in Congress with opposition Republicans — but that will not necessarily stop Obama.


Let's just hope the next revolution is peaceful, say at the ballot box, with new candidates and a series of bills to defund and defrock the travesty that this present Congress and Mr. Obama has wrought. That would be ideal. However, if the ballot box doesn't work, then there's always the possibility that it won't be peaceful at all.


Tregonsee said...

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

"…liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the cartridge-box…" -- Frederick Douglas

Personally, I prefer the first two, but the third should never be off the table.

Webutante said...

Indeed, agreed.

Paul_In_Houston said...

With the talk of what they intend to ram down our throats in the coming lame-duck session, some of them seem to be threatening "If you vote us out, we'll destroy you!" (Never mind that if we vote them back in, they'll still destroy us).

Is this what Obama means by the "Chicago way"? -- "Nice little country you've got here; be a shame if anything happened to it."

California Rep. Peter Stark's comment that the Federal government can do anything it wants to is sure an invitation to revolution by saying, in effect, there's not a damned thing we can do about it.

I hope to God that what the people of CA District 13 does is to make him unemployed.

Right now, my instinct is that this November I'll will vote a straight ticket (for the first time in my life), for the Republicans.

However good a democrat may be, this time (even if he's just running for dogcatcher) the very last thing we need at the moment is any more democrats in office; the damage they have done (and will continue to do) is already bad enough and will take desperate measures to undo.

Webutante said...

I hear you Paul with this caveat: much of where we are today has come out of both Democratic and Republican leadership in Washington, through this Congress and President are surely taking us to the bottom quickly....

We need to elect conservative men and women who can not only win, but also stay the course for Constitutional principles and be willing to serve only one term if necessary in order to do the right thing. Too many conservatives get elected, then succumb to Potomac Fever...AND your point is well taken for sure.