Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tabacco 'Sauce' on CNBC: Many of Us Expected Last Week's Big Plunge With Another Ahead


THE SMART MONEY----i.e. not the maddening crowd---- actually expected last week's plunge. They did. Thanks to a smart money guy I've been tutored by for half-decade, this is an important clip to watch. He---Jack---has also taught me the stock market often goes in lock step with some of our culture's greatest pop icons, like for instance, Tiger Woods.

If that's the case, and it usually is for whatever reason, Tiger's pitiful showing yesterday on the golf course and subsequent withdrawal for neck/back injuries most likely portends more neck injuries and pain ahead for the markets.

Time will tell, but I sure would be careful right now. Over-optimism is not a smart place to be. As Tabacco says, they see another 'big event' lurking out there on the horizon. Let those---including me-- with eyes to see and ears to hear take heed. Even if markets bounce big today---Mondays are big bounce days---I would not get carried away. There's short covering going on. Volatility is very high.


  1. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that Americans' tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950

    Tea Party protesters have been chanting "Taxed Enough Already" .... the inconvenient truth for Tea Baggers is Americans paid the smallest overall tax bill since 1950 - their plummeting payments are due to the tax relief delivered by President Obama.

    Now take off your white sheets, let's see what you're REALLY protesting, can't be taxes....

  2. Actually, the lower federal tax revenues for 2009 were from staggering losses by homeowners and investors in revenue carried over from the 2008-2009 stock market and housing crashes, not from tax Obama tax relief.

    Take off the white sheets? This is the last insult of yours I am ever---as in EVER---going to publish here. Even one more will get not only your comment deleted and not published, but you being forever banned from ever commenting here again. The chip on your adolescent shoulder is getting very tiresome.

    As to what's REALLY bothering us Tea Baggers as you call us is the really, really BIG spending by the federal government with no end in sight. This profligate spending will have to be enabled by higher and higher tax rates, printing of more money, instigating a VAT, and raiding various 410K and other public pension funds to make interst payments on our burgeoning federal debt.

    William, again, I am done with your insults. Stick to the issues at hand or say goodbye to commenting here again ever.
