Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday: Bleeding Oil and Bailout Money

THE SUN CAME OUT LAST MONDAY and shone every glorious day this week. Heaven knows we've needed every ray we thankfully got as floodwaters continue to recede leaving debris and disrepair everywhere. Still, there's a sense that things are getting back to normal.

Meanwhile as Nashville and Middle Tennessee dry out, the catastrophic oil spill continues in the Gulf, as does the aftermath of the Greek bailout spill. Then the stock market took a death-defying roller coaster ride Thursday which no one yet knows who or what triggered.

I only have one Saturday morning answer to all this worldwide turmoil: It's time to go fishing.

Yes, fishing! Today I'm going with one of my favorite guides down to the Elk River which is a tailwater fishery south of Nashville. We think there won't be too much water, but time will tell. I'll be back later today hopefully with some photos and a little commentary. Meanwhile, hope your weekend is better than ours was last week.


  1. Sorry y'all have had such miserable weather and damage.

    Colleen and the kids are also fishing this afternoon, while I prepare to go to work on the evening shift today.

  2. Thanks Bob, and things are looking up. Hope Colleen and kids had a great day of fishing regardless of the catching!
