Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who Would Have Thunk It?

THE VOLCANIC ERUPTION IN ICELAND this week with its massive, systemic travel delays to and fro Europe reminds me again and again of how God and Life will have its way with us, no matter how adamently we think we're in control. No matter how prepared with think we are, all it takes is a little volcano blow on a small island-nation in the north Atlantic to show us we're really not and to turn the direction of our destinies in ways both great and small, in the blinking of an eye. Whether it's a snow storm, an earthquake, a volcano, a bird or a pebble---or something we could never have thought of--- our lives and destinies can change in a heartbeat.

The massive air pollution of this event also reminds me of the folly of Cap and Trade legislation that tries to control all this on a global scale. One day in the life of the real world shows that we can't really control carbon emissions, and especially weather, like we think we can with all due respect to Al and company. It's hubris! Sure, good stewardship and some pollution laws are a good idea and have accomplished a lot over the last four decades. Yet, when something of the magnitude of a volcanic eruption like this happens, it shows that we're really like ants in the face of God. He's definitely in control of delays, global emissions and progression in the global system and, we're not. Not really, by a very long shot.

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