Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short Subjects: Presidents Who Talk Too Much, Wives Who Refuse To Do Too Much


AT A TIME WHEN VENEZUELA IS COURTING RUSSIA BECAUSE IT WANTS NUKES AND IRAN SEEKS to annihilate any country with the letters 'I' or 'S' in its name along with its allies, it leaves me utterly slack jawed and (almost) speechless that our feckless president is announcing narrower limits on protocols for using nuclear weapons. More than anything else, that he would even talk about it publicly is shocking to me.

Let's be honest. Our country hasn't nuked any other country in peacetime or war for more than half a century. Our protocols for doing it ever again would have to be dire indeed. So no one doubts that our use of nuclear weapons would be an act of extreme and narrow circumstances that none of us ever, ever wants to see.

Yet, President Obama in his glib manner and utter naivete announces with a straight face that he wants to edge the world towards nuclear disarmament? He obviously thinks he has the personal charm and charismatic wherewith all to speak and have nations that would destroy everyone of us and our allies lay it all down at his wishful thinking. In doing this, he continues to put our country and all its citizens in grave, grave danger. And I for one grow increasing uneasy with this inexperienced, utterly idealist person in the White House. I truly wonder if he's living in the real world.

Wesley Pruden agrees and says it even better.


I commend Tiger's wife Elin for not attending the Masters this year with him. The media scrutiny would be far too intense and ridiculous for her--- or us---to bear. It's bad enough that over 90 body guards are protecting Tiger from women who would turn themselves into live missiles for ten minutes of fame, not to mention whatever other nut cases are in the crowd. What a bore. Elin has kindly spared herself and us seeing the Masters turned into even a greater circus spectacle than it already is.

In the beginning and end, the fact that Tiger has done treatment and is now attempting to salvage his career does not even begin to speak to whether his marriage can ever be resusciatated. If it can be--- and I have grave doubts--- it will be a very long, road back for Elin and Tiger to rebuild trust, respect and rapport. While the drive-by media would love to spin endless stories of Elin's cheering him on at the Masters and forgiving him, at this point it would be a pathetic sham for her to be there. Forgiveness in this case should be a long process and one day at a time.

So thank goodness, Elin is staying home this year. It's honest and one less massive security problem to deal with.


  1. What is Barack trying to accomplish via this move? I am unclear. And, if I am unclear, then Barack has a marketing problem.

    I saw where Instapundit said a Jimmy Carter type Presidency is now a best case scenario. Good line, except there's no chance of the best case occurring. Carter, comparatively, was a lion.

  2. Obama's posture leave me confused and very unsettled, Greg. Where ever is this administration going?
