Thursday, April 8, 2010

George Washington: The Guy Who Stole All Our Money Now Wants to Steal Our Paycheck, Too


QUESTION: HOW MUCH LIGHT ARE YOU WILLING TO SEE SHINE on global financial markets---aka, the gargantuan global mess---we now find ourselves in?

If the answer is not much or I thought all that was over now, then I advise you not to go to my newest link on the sidebar---Zero Hedge. I admit that I've linked to it before, then delinked because after reading it for several months, I had to take a breather. Soft lighting and rose-colored glasses is not these writers' strong suit.

But if you're more afraid of the dark of midnight than the blazing sun of high-noon, then I encourage you to take a look at this no-nonsense site. Sure, some of it will be above our pay grade and too esoteric for most of us to grasp. Still, every now and then there will be light to see by and understand. Light that could help light our way ahead.

Take for instance the piece featured at the top of ZH tonight by George Washington: The Guy Who Stole All Our Money...

It's short, to the point and, well, it's written by George Washington for heavens sakes.

As to the comments, it's a wild place down there where even angels often fear to tread. But you can sometimes learn a lot on a topic you're interested in if you put your mind to it. Me, I like these guys and their bluntness. You'll have to decide for yourself. Meanwhile, I'll try to stay linked to them this time for the longer haul, though I still may have to take a break from the harsh bright lights of their financial markets reality show every now and then. But overall, I find it well worth my time and efforts to read and learn from the likes of GW and Tyler Durden.

This site isn't for everyone and that's as it should be.

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