Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday, It's All About Him

(TODAY, I'm happy to link directly to Tim Keller at Redeemer and his most recent sermon: Hope for the family. Not sure it plays all the way through, but am linking anyway.)

LAST SUNDAY, after attending McLean Bible Church, in Virginia outside D.C., I was chatting with some friends in the lobby when a man named Lee Vaughn introduced himself to me. Lee is now working to complete the mega-project called Jill's House that McLean---under the tutelage of Brenda and Lon Solomon who have a very handicapped and special needs daughter named Jill. He and his staff are now in the final stretch of completing and opening this facility next year to help families and children of severe disabilities.

My conversation with Lee took several twists and turns and included a lament about a couple I know whose marriage is currently in deep crisis. When Lee found out I'm from Nashville, he asked if I knew of the Jacksons, that would be Denise and Alan. I told him they were not exactly in my inner circle, but I certainly knew who they are. I had to confess, I know almost nothing about the country music industry here in Middle Tennessee, except to occasionally listen to something I like on my car radio or see the occasion star in Whole Foods Market. (Usually I just hear they passed me in the lettuce aisle.... Mom, did you see....that was Nicole Kidman that just walked past you!!!) I never see them....I'm too focused on the fennel.

Lee went on to tell me that his wife Ellen had co-authored a book with Denise Jackson several years ago about the Jacksons' life, love story, marriage and near collapse of their union after Alan's mega-success left him empty and tempted to call it quits with Denise after 19 years together. Alan moved out from his family and later told Denise he was involved with another woman.

The story of the Jacksons' life and relationship with all its ups and downs is a hopeful and inspirational one, Lee said as he then introduced me to his wife and co-author Ellen. May I have your address and send you a copy? I'm on my way to Israel next week with Lon, but will get it in the mail to you before I leave.

I gave Lee my address, thanked him, though I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as I could have been.

This week, sure enough, only hours after arriving back to Nashville, the UPS man was at my door carrying the promised package from Lee Vaughn, the book on the Jackson's life together and marriage, It's All About Him, Finding the Love of My Life.

After opening it, I tossed it on a pile of books on my bedside table, never intending to read it. Then a funny thing happened on the way to the trash heap: I woke up early the next morning and actually picked it up as a part of my early morning devotional. I read the first few pages. Then I ended up reading the whole thing over the next day-and-a-half.

It's a simply but clearly written, uncomplicated tale of two kids growing up in a small town America, working hard to be their best, falling in love and getting married. It's the classic story of going from middle-class America to fame, fortune, power and status beyond their wildest dreams when Alan became a mega-country music star after they moved to Nashville from Newnan, Georgia. Along the way the Jacksons had three daughters. To the outside world, their lives were perfect in every way, but on the inside the pressures of too many good things were causing cracks on the deepest levels of their souls.

I loved this book and can only say it reveals the age-old truths that ultimately nothing---no amount the of adoration, fame, fortune, star status or even family and friends can ultimately bring lasting happiness or satisfy the human heart outside of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sure, all the trappings may seem to make us happy for a while, but they are only illusions and never can---nor were designed to-- fill the empty hole in our hearts. Without Christ as the center of our lives, all that we hold most dear only become addictions, idols and shabby substitutes for the only real relationship that matters first and foremost.

Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have gone through the fires of brokenness and deep heartache and come out the other side, understand this. Others will. And all will be given the chance, though all will sadly not choose to take the gift of God's saving love and salvation.

The Jacksons reunited a year after they separated and are now living one day, one hour at a time within the Grace of God's will for their lives. I am so grateful that Lee introduced himself to me last week, and even more grateful that I picked up the inspirational book he sent me on the Jacksons' life story up to now. While their story is far from over and they certainly don't have the perfect lives, I know they will make it with their deeper commitment first to their walk with Christ and second their recommitment to each other. I ended up liking these people more than I ever thought I could. May God bless them--- their marriage. family and lives together. Each has given the other the forgiveness---painful as it's been---that Christ extended them, and both know the Grace that involves.

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