Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Obamas' August Vacation: Blue Heron Farm on Martha's Vineyard

TWENTY-FIVE ACRES complete with putting green, boathouse and basketball court. It's beautiful, it's expensive and hopefully a place where our president can relax and regroup with his family and advisers for the long seige ahead this fall. He's gonna need it.


  1. I love Martha's Vineyard. I also love Nantucket. Many summers I worked both. My parents had a place in Chatham on the Cape and I could work both and ferry back at Hyannis to do laundry and get a good meal. The islands are a world unto themselves and unattainable to most. Our president is enjoying a life he couldn't know without his attainment of his present office. That alone says something and it also says a ton about his choices. They are choices that have little to do with his public statements and stances. He is deciding to recreate with those that no longer need to be amoung the "little people." IE, rich liberals.

    I feel sorry for those that I came to love and worked with on the islands. They hated the "flatlanders" and the "city" folks.

  2. Interesting, mRed. Always fun to know more about my blog friends and experiences that have shaped our lives. I agree that Obama's current quite lofty tastes don't quite square with his espoused political and eocnomic policies---but oh well.

    BTW, I was chatting with my son in NYC this evening and talking about the Obamas on the Vineyard and some relatives staying for a month now on Nantucket. He said, "You know, mom, the Vineyard is the BLUE island and Nantucket is the RED one." I guess I know where I belong.....

  3. Blue vs Red - true. I worked the Harborside Inn, across from Chapaqquidick on Martha's Vineyard, and the summer after the Kennedy "mishap" a friend and I finished our shift, ran off the end of the pier (clothed) and swam to Chapaqquidick and back. We were asked to never come back to work there and were advised to never come back to the Island. Point made, we left.

  4. Great story! They must have used that as an excuse, cause they knew deep down you were conservatives at heart.
