Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Alabama U S Rep. Mike Rogers R-AL Knows A Snake When He Sees One

Back in his home state of Alabama for Easter vacation, Rep. Mike Rogers talked honestly about his experience in Congress these past few months. I always find it refreshing when someone slips and says exactly what he thinks, even when some of it involves his own party, that would be Republicans, and even when it's politically incorrect.

By far the most interesting thing Rogers said was about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi whom he called crazy, mean as a snake and Tom DeLay in a skirt. It is remembered that Delay, Speaker of the House from 2003-2005 was well-known as The Hammer, and a politician who didn't hesitate to take partisan revenge on his political opponents.

These are no small things that Rogers said, and oh so telling. Rogers went on to decry the complete lack of bi-partisanship in Washington and on The Hill, in spite of Barack's campaign promise that there would be a new spirit of working across the aisle.

"They won't talk to us," Rogers said of Pelosi and Reid, adding, "they've got the vote and can do whatever they want."

Then Rogers was gracious and honest enough to add that when the Republicans were last in control of Congress, they were just as bad. I don't doubt it. But be that as it may, the extreme partisan politics never takes the best interests of the country into account. And it only seems to be getting worse.

When and where will it end? When will Pelosi and company be replaced by something that can be described other than reptiles?


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