Friday, December 19, 2008

The Soon-To-Be Oprahzation of Washington D.C.

CAN ANYTHING BE MORE amusing and scary than for the multifarious demons and divas of Chicago to move en masse to D.C. especially Georgetown, and other upscale neighborhoods in NW Washington? The Capitol City, already to the left of the Left Coast, better be ready for them, cause they're ready for it. (And isn't it interesting that Mr. Obama, now elected, is moving towards the right?)

Word has it that Oprah is keeping her eye out for a small 5-8 bedroom pied-a-terre in Georgetown so she can be near Obama and Michelle and advise them on myriad issues. She can also be Nancy Pelosi's new best friend at the Four Season spa and hair salon every morning. And join Caroline Kennedy as a third when lunch with Al Sharpton is on the agenda.
Apparently nothing's been purchased----yet, though sources say it's only a matter of time.

For sure, Oprah is gunning to be the next Perle Mesta of town. I suppose we can be thankful that she's not, as far as we know, seeking Mr. O's Senate seat----yet. One can only hope that she's bringing her personal trainer and carbohydrate coach with her, as this can be a difficult town in which to watch one's weight. Oh well, for now it's just too much fun being in love with the whole damn scene. Potomac fever is alive and well in Chicago and D.C. After all, haven't we all been there once or twice?

1 comment:

  1. Oprah is her own type of bull elk; her assistants are her doe.
