Thursday, October 16, 2008

Michelle and Barack, Counting Chickens Before They Hatch?


It's very tempting to assume---whether you're on the left or right---that Barack and Michelle will be moving into the White House come January and the election is all but a done deal. However, there are still some pesky polls and naysayers indicating Obama hasn't yet closed the sale.


According to several polls (not the liberal MSM mind you) there are still a lot of undecided voters floating around the votersphere that could change the outcome entirely. To wit:

"Barack Obama holds a 7.3% lead in the Real Clear Politics average of all polls, but the latest Gallup tracking poll reveals that there are nearly twice as many undecided voters this year than there were in the last presidential election. The Investor's Business Daily/TIPP poll (which was closest to the mark in predicting the 2004 outcome -- 0.4% off the actual result) now says this is a three-point race.

"This week also brought a reminder that Sen. Obama hasn't closed the sale. The Washington Post/ABC poll found 45% of voters still don't think he's qualified to be president, about the same number who doubted his qualifications in March.
This is seven points more than George W. Bush's highest reading in 2000 and the worst since Michael Dukakis's 56% unqualified rating in 1988."

All this to say, intense campaigning is on the way, fasten seat belts. It's not over till it's over.

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