Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Treading Lightly For the Next Month

ADDED: Palin Truth Files

As things unwind toward the November presidential election, I've made only one commitment to myself: not to become completely unhinged over our current economic situation including the idiocy that got us there, the stock market and the very probable win of Barack Obama as POTUS. To the extent that I can do this, I'll be here on this blog. However, to the extent I can't, I may sit it out a day or two and chill.

Take today for instance. Glenn Reynolds evidently received an anonymous e-mail from a reporter in a "major newsroom" saying the MSM is in the bag for Obama. It's all over the Web and my fellow bloggers are on it like a tic on a hound. It's outrageous and unfair. My only question is, is it new or news worthy? And is it something to agonize over specifically today?

Not in my book. It's old, worn out news and I'm not biting. I'm saving myself for something even more outrageous and shocking that's truly news to me. The MSM is so biased for Obama that that story has totally lost its appeal. It's like beating a dead horse.

Then there's a new YouTube video on children in Venice, California singing "hymns" for Obama in the spirit of BHO being the anointed one. It is disturbing. But is it anything new or news worthy? Or just more of the same?

Much of mankind is atheistic and for many of these people government has indeed taken the place of god in their lives. They project their hopes and fears and frustrations on their leaders with their political ambitions and glib talk, however unrealistic--- and make an election a life or death issue. We live in a country with freedom of religion which, for better or worse, allows each of us to worship what or whomever we choose. That means that people can worship even a smooth operator like Obama.

So is it any wonder that a few of those people would be indoctrinating their children with Obama songs and giving them applause for singing in the Obama choir? There's nothing here that surprises me one whit. It's the way of the world.

I'm happy to let another blogger better than I channel shock and indignation. I simply don't care or have the energy today. I blew it out yesterday with Pelosi Derangement Syndrome and that's enough for me.

Me, I'm going to enjoy this gorgeous afternoon, try to find and buy a tank of gas and let others channel the inner outrage. Having 'derangement syndrome' over anything once a week is my limit, and at least for a while, I've done my part. I gave yesterday at the office.

But don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there's not a lot to be apprehensive about coming down the pike. Obama, recession, taxes, more of Pelosi, Reid, no sunspots in over a year, Social Security....it's enough to make you, you know, start to look for the real God and cry out and beg for mercy.

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