Friday, September 5, 2008

Oprah: Another One Bites The Dust

Oprah's Show: Five Reasons Palin Should Appear

So, Oprah doesn't want Sarah Palin on her show. She balks, according to Drudge this morning. Any wonder? After all, the diva is over the moon, the sun and the stars for Obama and still trying to find the eyelashes she lost crying and swooning at the DNC convention. Sarah Palin represents a monumental threat to the left, to the left elite media, to extreme and aging feminism---with its oh-so-old and tired axe to grind and grind and grind about abortion--- and to anyone who wants to be a perpetual visitor and adviser at the White House next year. This woman's advocate has quite a dilemma on her hands, doesn't she?

Maybe it's just as well. There would be no objectivity anyway. Then too , it is her First Amendment right to choose and exclude whomever she wants for her show. Still, I wonder if we're not going to see, as time goes by, a more and more militant and increasingly irrelevant Oprah?


  1. Oprah obviously doesn't need the money that the huge HUGE Governor Palin ratings would bring. However, it seems almost immoral that she is denying that opportunity to her advertisers, and denying income boost to her syndicate and her local stations.

    I mean immoral in an "Old Man and the Sea" type of way, i.e. live by a code that you will do your best at your craft. Oprah, if she doesn't invite Governor Palin on her show, is doing less than her best. That feels immoral to me.

  2. Evidently Oprah claims she doesn't want any candidate using her show as a political forum which is certainly her right. However, it seems to me she makes herself less relevant by not tacking the tough stuff this would present....she can't stand the thought of liking Mrs. Palin.

  3. .
    I bet Hoprah will alienate some women fans of hers. They will be even more open to checking out Palin. Oprah doesn't want Palin on her show because she is afraid Palin might sway some of her viewers away from Obama. Oprah is afraid of hurting Obama's chances, she knows he has a tough fight with Palin on the ticket.

    Too be fair though, she had Obama on before he was running, when his books came out. To have Palin on now that she's running would mean Oprah would really have to have Obama on now too. But then she probably would be accused of breaking some campaign finance laws or something.
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    never elect a woman

    who's a conservative
    she's just a gender traitor

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    never promote a woman

    who's a conservative
    she's just might beat your man

    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech, there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
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