Monday, September 8, 2008

Beginning of The End For Obama's Presidential Hopes?

Barack was for tax increases before he was against them, was for leaving an American flag pin off his lapel before he began faithfully wearing one, was for pulling out of Iraq and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory before he came to believe The Surge was successful 'beyond our wildest dreams,' was against banning late term abortion before declaring he's against it, except in a life threatening condition of the mother, was a devotee for years of the radicals Reverend Jeremiah Wright and American terrorist William Ayers before suddenly and recently distancing himself from them.

What's next in the way of change for Obama?

Obama is turning out to be the CHANGE he himself has been waiting for. Is he just beginning to morph into a "centrist" after winning the title of the most left leaning U.S. Senator now serving in Washington---a man who's considered to the left of Ted Kennedy and, er, Joe Biden? A man who has been loath to even salute our country during the Pledge of Allegiance?

We must never forget the kind of flip flopping change Obama seems to actually represent.

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