Thursday, September 18, 2008

New York Women Near Hysteria Over Palin Nomination


Fits of rage, terror, near break downs strike New York women, according to the NY Sun.

Oh pleeeeeease.

"A posting on a New York-based Web site for women,, spoke of unbridled anger.

'What I feel for her privately could be described as violent, nay, murderous, rage," an associate editor at Jezebel, Jessica Grose, wrote just after the Republican convention wrapped up. "When Palin spoke on Wednesday night, my head almost exploded from the incandescent anger boiling in my skull.'

Even some 'prominent' figures admitted to being overcome by anti-Palin feelings. "I am having Sarah Palin nightmares," an acclaimed playwright and writer, Eve Ensler, wrote on the Huffington Post. She said she was disturbed by the chants about oil and gas drilling during Mrs. Palin's speech to the Republican convention. "I think of rape. I think of destruction. I think of domination," Ms. Ensler wrote."

Could someone please get these women straight jackets and them off the streets?


  1. I have some questions maybe you can answer for me:

    Why do you suppose that Obama was endorsed by the National Organization for Women, the Business and Professional Women/USA, the National Association of Social Workers,and the Women's Information Network?

    Why do you suppose both Laura Bush and Cindy McCain oppose the McCain/Palin platform of overtuning Roe v. Wade?

    Why do you suppose in one week women's support for Obama increased massively? NYT Poll: Who Women support for president -(9/8) 42% - Obama, 49% - McCain... (9/16) 54% - Obama, 38% - McCain?

    Why do you suppose Republican Senator Chuck Hagel and Karl Rove have said Palin isn't qualified to lead America and that it is insulting to Americans to make tham think she is qualified on the basis of her foreign policy experience?

    (I can supply citations for everything here in case you have doubts or questions)

  2. As to why all the women's organizations you've mentioned above endorse Obama, I'm sure you know the answer: they're all far left feminist groups who continue to base their mssion on the aging myth of women as victims. Palin is not a victim, period, and so she's scary and unacceptable to them.

    Both Cindy McCain and Laura Bush know that abortion should be a state, rather than a federal, issue. None of us like abortion, but anyone with a brain knows that legalized abortion is not going away anymore than alchol will ever be illegal again. That goes even if Roe-Wade is overturned. If you're still fighting the abortion might go away issue, then help yourself. But sadly, it's not ever going to be made illegal in this country. Though I think it might be made more difficult, as it should, so that women stop using it over and over again as a form of birth control. It should never be federally funded either.

    As for the NYT poll, I think they have a small axe to grind with a large attitude. BTW, they never called me or anyone I know...could that be the reason they got the poll they want?

    Lastly, Karl Rove two days ago said to an AP reporter:

    "Rove said he had no qualms about Palin's ability to lead.

    "The real question, he said, is whether the presidential candidates are qualified "and frankly, the answer to that is I think the American people have deep and persistent doubts about the readiness of this dynamic and charismatic first-term senator from Illinois."

    As for Chuck Hagel, he's a RINO. Nuff said
