Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Memo To McCain: Make A Silk Purse Out of A Sow's Ear


Sure, Obama made a silly, stupid gaffe---wittingly or unwittingly----about pigs and lipstick. And yes, it could be interpreted as being about your spectacular VP running mate. And yes again, you probably could have a reason to be offended.

But please don't take this righteous indignation and defensiveness thing too far.

Remember, defensiveness is easy and automatic, and always comes from the lowest (fight or flight) reptilian, uh, pig brain. Humor, however, is a higher function from the more creative part of our gray matter. Respond from that part. Go for the gold and raise the level of pig/lipstick discourse to a higher sty, er, plane.

Make Obama's silly remark work for you rather than against you by using cleverness and humor.

You can start by making reference to ending porky pig spending in Washington.

Turn the pig analogy around and put it squarely on the Democratic, do-nothing, pork barrel Congress, on the piggish out-of-control earmarking process, on the fact that Obama is now taking his desperate campaign down into a muddy pigsty, and yes, you can and should link it to President Bush's failure to use his veto pen more.

Slaughter the silly and increasingly humorless Obama campaign with smart and authentic pig analogies, delivered with a sense of humor. Give away Democratic pig snouts for Halloween.

Then have the local GOPs that you and Sarah visit in the coming weeks serve bacon on every menu (BLTs?) with the reminder that we've going to eat up the pork spending in Washington.

And most of all, mean it.

Read. My. Lipstick. When given pigs, make bacon bits out of them.

And, I promise you, John, when you do, you'll bring home some solid voter bacon. And make a silk purse out of a sow's ear (marks).

Remember, solid principles delivered with a smile and some humor go a long, long way towards the road to November.


  1. I don't know you Lady, but I'm so glad I found your blog! Fantastic post!

  2. I agree with you very much here.

    I'm not even convinced that the remark was directed at Palin, and I don't care, anyway. Let Obama dig his hole. We have a campaign (and a country) to run.

    Same with the (admittedly funny) video of Biden urging a man in a wheelchair to stand up. I could have done the same thing. He didn't mean it, he covered it graciously - you know, that's not why I oppose Biden as a vice president.

    It's immature adolescents that run around "capping" each other with insults and innuendos. Let's just keep pushing our superior record and agenda.

  3. The political mood of the GOP has gone from gloom and doom to an exciting optimistic rush.
    Believing you can win is 90% of what's required. Maybe some of the close Senate and Congressional races will catch the energy and keep the balance in the House and Senate close. The economy is more important than the terrorist issue right now though perhaps it shouldn't be. McCain has got to sell the idea he's got a better handle on the economy and government's role than Obama. They have got to hammer him into the ground as inexperienced and unqualified; being a community organizer does not prepare you to lead the government of the US. Can imagine Obama presenting himself to the board of directors of Verizon, Wachovia or Pfizer as a choice for CEO and not being laughed out of the room.
    I also notice that Obama stresses how he loves this country in almost every speech, someone has told the campaign that they're vulnerable on this issue. His association with Rev. Wright, Acorn and other radicals should not be allowed to fade.
