Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blogging 'Spectacular' Sarah's Speech

Wednesday, 8:35 PM---It's almost my (early to, early fro) bedtime; however, I'm having a little coffee and attempting to stay awake for Sarah's speech.

I'm blogging it. Stay tuned for my biased opinion.

9:20----Giuliani is kicking it. It's without a doubt the best speech of the convention to date.......Obama has changed his mind over and over again, he's changed his mind on accepting campaign finance money, the war in Iraq and keeping Jerusalem unpartitioned. He was for all of it before he was against it..... If Biden is smart, he'll get that VP thing in writing.

Obama never mentioned the word terrorists at his would be offensive.....offensive to the terrorists, that is.

Sorry if Obama thinks Sarah Palin's home town isn't cosmopolitan enough.

9:30----Sarah Palin takes the stage to massive applause....introduces her family, her children including their son in Iraq. Then her adorable manly man husband, Todd, aka first dude. Finally her parents, Sally and chuck Heath.

The difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull---lipstick!

Sarah describes what the job of mayor entails.....sort of like a community organizer, except it involves real responsibilities.

9:45--She's not going to Washington to win the good opinion of the liberal elite press, but to serve the people of this shake things up.

As governor, she sold the governor's plane---she put it on e-Bay. I got rid of the governor's chef.

She vetoed nearly 1/2 billion dollars in the state budget....

9:50---She confronted big oil interests.......

She's begun the largest public infrastructure building project in U.S. history---a new gas pipeline.....etractors say we can't drill our way to energy independence, as if we didn't know that already, but starting in 2009, we'll develop all sources of energy we can.

Obama gives dramatic speeches in of devoted followers, yet has never sponsored any major reform....he never uses the word victory in speaking of our wars, rather only in relation to his own campaign..... Obama has had time to write two memoirs, but not time to write any major piece of legislation. When the Styrofoam columns come down, what does Obama intend to accomplish?

There is the candidate that promotes change to promote his career, and then there's the candidate that uses his career to promote change.

10:00----Harry Reid said he can't stand John McCain. What better endorsement do we need that we've chosen the right candidate for president?....what he really means is that he can't stand up to John McCain.

The other side says they'll fight for you. But let's be clear, there's only one man in this election who's ever really fought for you.

(This woman is a fabulous public speaker who is as comfortable and poised as she can be with herself and this crowd.)

One inspires with his words, but McCain inspires with his deeds. Join our cause and elect him as the next president of the United States.

10:10----McCain and Palin's family join her on the stage to rousing applause. The crowd is absolutely ebullient and for good reason. Palin has brought the house down with her clear, straight forward speech. It's a home run very early in the game. But what an inning.


  1. We are going to have the Saracuda around for a long, long time. Wow!

  2. And she pulled that awesome speech off with bedeviled teleprompter problems to boot! What a gal!
