Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Life's Too Busy

Hope to get back to blogging more soon, but for now, I'm totally swamped and the real rather than virtual world is winning out at the moment. My camera got dunked in the river yesterday while fishing and I may have forever lost it. Had some wonderful pics of a day on a wild trout stream. Today, I mediate disputes in Teton County small claims court--- which is always fun and very, very interesting. Once, several years ago, I mediated a botox case between a doctor and patient. After that rather lengthy case, I decided never to do botox. Not that I'd ever really considered it up to then. But if I had, even for a moment, that mediation finished me off. Back hopefully sooner rather than later. Hope my few readers have a good day.


  1. Buy a new camera, take a rest. You'll need it. Obama"s moving to the middle. Now very little separates him from McCain issue wise. McCain's lackeys (he won't do it) will have to start playing the race and abortion cards. Should keep your typing fingers worn to a frazzle by the middle of August.

  2. I got a new camera at K-Mart yesterday; was able to save the SIM card from the old waterlogged camera......and guess what, nothing Obama can do, as in talking his way to the middle, can change his radical liberal record.

    McCain, meanwhile, is gaining a little momentum. We'll see, won't we?

  3. I'm still reading just not able to comment much. we are so busy with the upcoming move to Paraguay.

  4. This is going to be interesting to watch....am thinking about you all as you make this transtion, Rita. Thanks for your update.
