Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Heartthrob's Magical Global Mystery Tour

UPDATE: Obama visits Yad Vashem in Jerusalem Wednesday. My trip there in March, 2007.


"Obama arrived in Iraq on Monday for what is described as a fact-finding mission. However, it’s hard to believe Obama is actually searching for facts in Iraq, nor will the facts he finds change his position. The position he chose for himself, as well as all the comments he has made so far about Iraq, reflect a disregard for facts, and there is no reason to expect a change now."

---Omar and Mohammed Fadhil in Iraq reporting from Iraq for Pajamas Media.

A McCain supporter e-mails me today:

"I am glad you're following the road show circus that Obama is starring in. How phony! Apparently a man who used to work at the White House for a Dem administration (do not know which one) came to the back of the Obama plane to answer questions from the press. He declined to answer one saying that when he was at the White House they did not answer questions like the one asked. A frustrated reporter spoke up and reminded this man that Obama is not the president! The Obama campaign has just assumed that since Obama is playing the role of president on this trip that somehow he has already won the election. I do not think this will resonate well with a lot of people here. A few of the mainstream press are beginning to put some heat on Obama including Andrea Mitchell and Katie Couric."

Finally, from Marathon Pundit, Obama's confused policies for Iraq and Afghanistan.

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