Tuesday, July 8, 2008

McCain's New Ad

I'm currently in the boondocks of Wyoming, and for the first time in a long while, my Internet service is abysmal to almost non-existent. Next week and for two weeks thereafter, I'll be in better range and expect to have normal service. But at the moment, it's spotty and oh-so-slow, so my blogging will be sporadic for a while. It's like going back to a landline of 10-12 years ago.


  1. Hi Jane,

    Just curious if this is the Jane Whitson I knew back at UT in the early to mid '70's.

    Really like your blog!

    Bob Pierce

  2. Hi Bob, glad you stopped by and commented. Answer to your question, no I'm not the same. Went to VU in two times---in the early 70s was married with two children. When they were in grammer school and my then-husband was out of law school, I went back to finish, earning an engineering degree in '80.

  3. Well, that cleared that up!

    God bless you!
