Sunday, May 18, 2008

See This Movie, The Visitor

One of the more interesting movies I've seen in a while, The Visitor is set in the theater of illegal immigration in a post 9-11 world. However and fortunately, the genius in this understated movie is not that it may or may not have an axe to grind, either for or against illegal immigration, either for or against Muslims living in our country.

Instead, it's basically about those chance encounters and unexpected human connections we all have in the course of our lives which often change us in some way forever.

I was dragged into this movie tonight kicking and screaming and vowing that I would probably leave early. Instead, I found it surprising refreshing and totally engaging on many levels. I stayed until the end because it was understated and unsentimental.

In my opinion this movie ended exactly as it should. The illegal immigration issue was resolved as it should. The United States did its duty correctly and for that I am grateful and can recommend this movie. But that's far from the only point here.

On those terms and many others, I highly recommend this small, unsung film. See it, if you can find it somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a bit of a tear jerker. Thanks for the review. I cannot remember the last time I watched a movie.
