Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Now I Get It

The front page of Tuesday's Washington Post helped me connect the dots as to why the MSM has been painting such a grim outlook for the economy for the past few months. The headline top-left read something like "the outlook for the country is the most pessimistic since 1992 and that's very good news for the Democrats."

Now I get it. The MSM has been catastrophizing the economy to set the stage for the bureaucratic Democrats to come in and fix all our dire problems through government regulation and new federal laws and programs. What fun. I can hardly wait.


  1. Actually, the MSM and the gov't has been sugar coating news on the economy, has been for years.

  2. Are you worse off, Ellen? I doubt it. And neither am I. In free markets, things don't always go up....just as winter follows summers there are seasons of fluctuation.

  3. You're right, I'm not worse off but then again, I'm not raising kids and having to commute to work in an old car like many Americans.

    I hope you're right about the fluctuations because if were retiring soon, I'd not be happy. My 401ks have seen better days. Lets hope things improve, especially the dollar.

  4. Good grief! Here we are living in one of the most materially blessed countries in the world, and people are griping about their 401K's dropping in value. Where kids in their 20's expect to have a 3000+ sq ft house fit for a king right out of school...
    Having lived through the hard times of the 1970's in a 900 sq ft house with no A/C (yes, in the South), one car, two kids, with gas prices tripling almost overnight, I can't feel much sympathy. And we never thought to complain or feel sorry for ourselves. As my dear daddy (who grew up during the Depression years in the Deep South) used to say, "we were poor, but we didn't know it". Shame on any of us of faith who put our trust in the "almighty dollar".

  5. Agreed. Our parents or even many of our generation would never have expected the government to take all our financial problems away and to make everything all right. So many in this generation look to the government for everything ....boy are they in for a shock one of these days....
