Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hillary Going, Going, Gone

Even the recent 'bubbafication' of Hillary's campaign with middle class voters in Indiana where she's managed a win can't save her now. Obama, victorious in North Carolina, is now the presumptive nominee. The only question is, will he ask Hillary to join him on the ticket as VP? Could the Clintons ever see themselves living out Mass Ave at the Naval Observatory rather than on Pennsylvania Avenue, for the next four years?

I strongly doubt it. But even if they join the Obamas in the race, I doubt that such a ticket could get elected.

So here's the deal: The Clintons will not inhabit the White House again or the Naval Observatory ever. It's not rocket science.

Hillary's presidential bid is over. And no amount of wishful thinking, tenacity and perseverance on her part will change it.

Above, future home of Hillary and Bill?


  1. I do hope you (Webutante) are right.

    If Obama's the nominee, I think we can win this thing.

  2. You could be right, then again, you could be wrong, m'dear.

  3. I'm spending alot of time in prayer these days! *sighs*
