Thursday, May 29, 2008

Glad Bush Is Still Around

SUNDAY: Worth noting, via Pamela Geller. It's not rocket science to know that this is going to be a wild, wild ride until November.

From Forbes.

At Financial Post, Rex Tillerson at Exxon stands up to radical environmentalists in a most politically incorrect way.

Let's snack with Barack and his bouncer, Mr. Love. Oui, oui.


  1. Thank God for Rex Tillerson. It's refreshing to read that at least one corporate executive has courage to stand up to the global warming zealots.

    As for the Rockefeller heirs, it's becoming apparent to me that inheritance of huge fortunes could be a major risk to our nation's economy. I never thought I'd feel this way, but maybe there is merit after all to very high estate taxes.

  2. John, when I first landed in Jackson, Wyoming it was a right-wing ranching community.

    Now, twenty-five years later, it's been overtaken with people with huge inheritances and even larger trust funds. With that comes mega-guilt and liberalism.

    Today, Jackson will go for the most liberal candidate as the conservative elements move to Kansas.

    Still, I am not for high inheritance taxes, as it forces the break up of family businesses and often the accumulation of those assets to foreign interests.

    There are no easy answers.

  3. You're right, of course. Enough heirs do maintain the family businesses - and even expand them - that high estate taxes would do more harm than good.

    Perhaps we could accomplish more by funding subliminal messaging directed at reprogramming their guilt. It's worth a shot.

  4. Go ahead,John, we can wish, but the super-libs I know there are almost beyond hope, sad to say....perhaps one day they'll fall victim to compassion fatigue is all I can say.
