Friday, May 23, 2008

Drudge Calls This Hillary Remark 'Shocking?'


Oh, please. I beg to differ with Drudge's current headline. The fact that Hillary wants to stay in the presidential race by raising the specter of assassination may be a little weak, but not shocking in my opinion. Hillary is staying in the race because Hillary intends to at all costs until the bitter end.

There's no need for her to make excuses. Having said that, her reasoning is not that scandalous in my opinion.

We've all heard talk of assassination for months now in this race. It's mostly around the fears people have of what might happen if Obama is assassinated with or without being elected. Some people fear his highly emotionally charged, almost messianic following might go crazy and try to tear this country apart.

God forbid that we would ever have to live through any assassination again. Of anyone. However, to raise the possibility of something happening to any of the candidates at this point in the race is certainly not outside the bounds of political decency in my opinion. This is a political fact-of-life for all candidates campaigning in the public arena. So get over it.

Just because it hit a nerve with the Obama nation doesn't mean it's off-limits. Oh no it doesn't. And no, it shouldn't.

UPDATE: Hillary is already back-peddling and voicing 'regret' for this. That's ridiculous. I say stick by your guns, Hillary, and let the chips fall where they may. I'm no fan, but this is a non event, even if the Obamas throw a tantrum and try to make it one. Cool your jets, my dear, and let the faint-of-heart somehow, someday recover from this. Meanwhile, let them bear up under their immense strain, caused by the mere mention of the word assassination.

Quick! bring the smelling salts. Hillary said the word assassination.


  1. I can't believe you are making excuses for Clinton's behavior. This is the kind of blind loyalty shown by the most fanatical rightist Bush supporters.

  2. Given all of the things throughout history which have happened in June, Hellary mentions the assassination of Bobby Kennedy? An unusually close parallel to Obama or wishful thinking or maybe instructions to the wack job racist out there?

    "You guys aren't doing your job!"
    That's what I hear Hellary saying!
    Maybe that's just me, .... we will find out at Barak's wake.


    Do a video scrub of controller of Clinton BEFORE she mentions RFK assassination and AFTER. Her body language shifts completely into SHAME/GUILT mode, completely showing intent and knowledge for what she said. It is so dramatic, it isn't funny.

    Try it: just drag time controller back and forth on the Clinton video


  4. Classy post, Web.

    Maybe the "faint of heart" Obama supporters take assassinations seriously because killing him has become something of a joke.

    Former NY Bureau Chief for the Washington Times had this to say on Faux News on May 25th:

    TROTTA: "And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that sombody knock off Osama — Obama. Well, both, if we could."


    HOST: "Talk about how you really feel."

    Funny stuff that. You know, Obama has had Secret Service protection longer than any presidential candidate in history. Maybe you could drop by their office 1100 L Street, NW in DC and talk to them about why he needs that protection. Bet ya dollars to donuts it's not because of Obama's "messianic" supporters who need smelling salts when assassination talk comes up.

  5. Well I don't take it as a joke, Vienna. AND we can't control what anyone else thinks or how they take it. My point is that Hillary gave voice to what many people have been thinking and worrying about.

    But more importantly, this is a First Amendment issue. It may be politically correct to have kept silent about it. But if for no other reason than that, I am not sorry Hillary brought it up.

    That American press and people have become over-reactors on all fronts, boo-hooing at the slightest offense. And it's ridiculous.

  6. Sure, Steve. But we might just as well find out at Hillary's wake, or goes with the territory.

  7. "My point is that Hillary gave voice to what many people have been thinking and worrying about."

    Those would be the people who you derided as "needing smelling salts" and "throwing tantrums" and told to "get over it", right?

    The "joke" about Obama's assassination is not funny - anymore than it would be to joke about McCain's or Bush's. Sure, the 1st ammendment gives people a lot of freedom - but with it comes responsibility. It would be nice if class and a little respect was required, too.

    What a sad state of affairs politics has become when it's seen as offensive and ridiculous NOT to talk about how a leading presidential candidate could be shot. I'm so proud my husband has spent 19 years, 11 months and 1 week on active duty in the US military fighting for that...

  8. ...and we should all thank you husband profusely for that. So thank him for me please.

  9. If I can get him to stop scratching his head wondering why in the world he should be thanked for giving people the right to laugh openly about assassinating one of the presidential candidates on national television, I'll be sure to pass along your best wishes.

  10. It's all about the First Amendment and giving people the right to offend us.....that means even Barack Obama can be offended, not to mention you and me.

  11. I'm sorry, the first ammendment does not give people the right to be assholes. Laughing about killing the presumptive Democratic nominee (or Republican or Libertarian or Green or what have you) makes you one. It's just not funny - and it IS offensive. I wonder, though, how hard you'd be fighting for the right to talk about assassinating people if it were George Bush or Dick Cheney? How about Lon Solomon? Or how about the generic soldier just home for Iraq?

    There used to be a thing called public decency in this country, and laughing about killing people was considered out of bounds. It's sad that those days seem to be long gone, apparently.

  12. Actually, Vienna, the First Amendment does indeed give us the right to make assholes---your words, not mine---of ourselves, my dear. I'm just as offended as you are, but that's the reality of it.

    And remember, the First Amendment also gives us the right to turn off the TV, read something else and write a comment or letter to the editor. So buck up.

  13. Well, you have a funny way of saying you're offended, what with encouraging HRC to keep it up and not back pedal, etc, etc, etc. Wait until you find out Liz Trotta gave into the terrorist appeasers and "apologized" (and I use that term very losely) for laughing about killing Obama!

    Please enjoy the assassination discussions as you see fit - I'm sure there'll be lots more hilarity where that subject is concerned over the coming months.

    Frankly, I think it says alot more about the people who support that sort of vulgarity than those of us offended by it.

    Off to enjoy baseball on this beautiful May evening.
