Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Think You Got Problems?

Try being a tractor trailer trucker at the pump today. With fuel tanks holding hundreds of gallons of diesel, these guys often have to cough up over $1,000 for a fill-up. And believe you me, They. Are. Not. Amused.

I'm on the Interstate now, and will try to stop and talk to some of these big guys in person later.

I plan to continue this How We Got Here series soon.


  1. I'm surprised that you can find any truckers out on the road - I thought they were all in my neck of the woods, driving around Capitol Hill protesting the high prices.



  2. If gas goes to $10 per gal then I will be spending $200 to fill up at a time when we have a tremendous amount of oil under our feet. I also agree with you re: the gold standard. No, I'm not a Paultard, but I do like economic responsibility.

  3. I agree, mred. We have plenty of gas in and around this country and I think this crisis will help us for once and for all start getting to it. But first there needs to be some pain.....

    vienna, the truckers need to let off some steam. I talked to several today and will post what they have to say and some pics early in the morning.
