Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Travel Day

Intended writing more on my going in reverse fender bender Monday---and I still intend to---however, I'm traveling to today and probably won't be back to this until late tonight or Wednesday.

In truth, my life right now is out-of-control busy and will be for the next 4-6 weeks. My blogging unfortunately may at times be less of a priority during that period. My intentions are the best for doing a daily post, but I doubt that I will live up to them. Going to Scotland in several weeks is front and center right now.


  1. You need not go backwards willingly to describe unwillingly going backwards.

    Go forward into your and your son's future. On the way stop at Sterling.

  2. Thanks for the prayers, advcomps.

    And the good advice, mred. I shall take it. And I have a mental list to too much stuff to handle before I leave on the 12th.

  3. What an exciting life you lead! Enjoy and we'll be here when you do get back to daily postings. Praying here in FL for you and the big trip!
