Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Reason For God

In my opinion, Tim Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan is---with the exception of Lon Solomon at McLean Bible Church outside Washington who led me to Christ a few years ago----the finest Christian apologist in America today. He speaks in ways that make sense and have deep meaning for me and many others.

Since being born again, I've realized what a sinner I am and how much I need a Savior. That Savior is Christ Jesus, God's only Son. Keller talks to 'late bloomers' like me. (And I've come to know that's it's never too late as long as we live.) I'm thankful for the opportunity to hear him speak in New York, on his wonderful CDs series in my car, and on videos like this one above. Listening to Tim and testimonies from others is very inspirational to me.

To me the greatest of the roadblocks to our asking/praying for Christ's saving grace in our lives is that we monumentally minimize our own sinfulness and thus our need for His Grace. We become our own saviors, so we think. Or we choose other things we think will support our own sense of ourselves as the essence of love, or power or proficiency. We have the illusion that we're really in control.

God in His infinite graciousness has given us free will and never forces us to choose Him. But when His Grace breaks into our broken lives, from my experience, it is the most compelling and Supernatural experience that we'll ever have this side of heaven.

Keller's new book, The Reason for God, is on my bedside table, and now being read cover to cover.


  1. I got the book on pre-order and still have yet to read it. I like what I've seen from Tim Keller. I also enjoy Ravi Zacharias's material.

    Good post!


  2. What a tremendous personal testimony Web. I'm so happy we are "sister"!!!
