Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Raining....

....cats and dogs here. Pouring rain. Slept deeply 10 hours last night as rain pounded the roof. What better weather for doing one's taxes? With a wedding coming up soon and lots to do, taxes hang heavy. Decided to lock myself inside today until I take my tax workbook and stuff to my accountant. Will feel like a bird out of a cage.

Meanwhile, the drought seems to be over here; the creeks are rising.

P.S. Yes, I'm one of the dwindling 59% of citizens left who actually pay federal income taxes. If Obama or Hillary are either elected, I'm sure I and my counterparts' numbers will shrink even more under the current system and we'll soon be listed as endangered species, all the while being horse whipped and shamed as rich white Americans into paying more, more, more, so the feds can make us all into children in need of a federal nanny. And the president will then be NOTUS rather than POTUS.

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